Voyager is our intuitive online booking tool, allowing our partners to make and manage all aspects of their Eurostar booking with the utmost simplicity.

- Minimum annual threshold £10,000 / €10,000.
- Net fares (for eligible tour operators) or commission.
- Ideal for groups bookings (for eligible partners).
- Access via whitelisted IP address.
- Average booking horizon of 7 months before travel.
- Retrieve tickets in Eurostar app or download as a PDF.
In order to help you understand our accounting process, this page has been created as a guide to answer any questions.
**Please note this is for direct account holders only and not GDS users**
- You will receive a monthly invoice from us.
- This invoice is run by day 2 of every month. This is your total payable amount.
- You will also receive a supporting DAT file (details of transactions by pnr) by day 5 of every month.
- For UK agents and agents paying with a UK bank account, your Direct Debit is taken on day 17 of every month or the next available working day.
- For non-UK agents, your payment is due by bank transfer on or before the last working day of the month.
- Any completed credits are deducted from the following months invoice.
To open the Backup Details (.dat file) please follow the instructions below:
- Save .dat file to any location on the hard drive or open the document in wordpad, word or notepad.
- Open Microsoft Excel
- Open .dat file via Excel if saved – on the open screen, select ‘all files’ to view the .dat document. If copied, paste into excel
- A Text Import Wizard pop-up box will appear
- Select the Delimited button on the pop-up box – click Next
- Ensure the Tab and Comma boxes are ticked – click Finish
Your data file will provide you with the following information:
Column A |
BAF Account |
Column C |
Invoice number |
Column D |
Invoice date |
Column F |
Booking date |
Column G |
Eurostar booking user |
Column I |
Eurostar booking reference |
Column K |
Column N |
Traveller’s name |
Column O |
Date of travel |
Column P |
Departure station |
Column Q |
Arrival station |
Column W |
Price of single journey |
Subject to the nature of the disruption, Eurostar can activate its After-Sales Override Profile (AOP). The AOP function will calculate whether fees and / or fare difference can be waived, subject to Eurostar’s commercial policy.
Free exchanges for alternative dates are available in Voyager.
You can either refund your customers using Voyager or allow customers to obtain a full refund via your website or app.